Friends or family members that you personally knowand you can confirm the identity of the recipient,even in an emergency situation
For an internet
For an
employment orbusiness opportunity
To claim a
prize or lottery winnings
To recover
a lost pet or item
For rental
For a credit card
or loan fee
To refund part of a check given to you until yourbank confirms thatthe check has cleared THIS CAN TAKE 2 WEEKS AND EVEN LONGER FOR AN INTERNATIONAL CHECK
For a vehicle
down payment
To someone you’ve met through online datinguntil you’ve verifiedhis or her identity
To an unknown charity organizationin response to a natural disaster
For a purchase made in response to a newspaper ad
In response to a
telemarketing call
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec in commodo tortor. Duis finibus sollicitudin augue, at vulputate arcu convallis eget. Etiam eget ipsum eget sem tincidunt vestibulum nec eget ante. Morbi hendrerit ex dolor, ornare feugiat est vehicula et. Quisque quis sem ut elit ultrices pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sit amet blandit est. Nullam et elit tempor, condimentum sapien ut, malesuada sapien. Donec aliquet at ipsum ac efficitur. Morbi sollicitudin scelerisque dui et pharetra. Maecenas eu tristique ipsum. Donec imperdiet risus quam, pulvinar semper augue convallis nec.